AZ9A FACILITY Total customs area 5.000 square meters.
AZ9A FACILITY Total customs area 5.000 square meters.
AZ9A FACILITY Total customs area 5.000 square meters.

Customs Clearance Tradition since 1864
Customs Clearance Tradition since 1864
Customs Clearance Tradition since 1864

Export Bulk Static ability to 270 mil toneladas
Export Bulk Static ability to 270 mil toneladas
Export Bulk Static ability to 270 mil toneladas

Import BulkStatic ability to 380 thousand tons
Import BulkStatic ability to 380 thousand tons
Import BulkStatic ability to 380 thousand tons

Dry PortTotal customs area 120,000 square meters
Dry PortTotal customs area 120,000 square meters
Dry PortTotal customs area 120,000 square meters

Investments and Mergers
Investments and Mergers
Investments and Mergers

A specialized team, first class control software joined with strong principles of social responsibility corporate model, compliance and transparency, enable us to provide high quality and dependable Port Logistic services with reliability and performance.
Paranaguá | Matriz
R. João Eugênio, 922
Bairro: Centro
CEP: 83203-400
+55 (41) 3420-2300.
R. Comendador Araújo, 143. 14º And. Conj. 145
Bairro: Centro
CEP: 80420-900
+55 (41) 2111-5600
São Francisco do Sul
Rodovia Duque de Caxias, KM 2,5
Bairro: Iperoba
CEP: 89240-000
+55 (47) 3471-1800

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apoia as comunidades que estão em seu entorno.
Click here and know how ROCHA supports
community, especially in the regions in which it operates.
Click here and know how ROCHA supports
community, especially in the regions in which it operates.