Who we are

We are committed to the values of the company.

For over 155 years, we have built our history on professional ethics as well as acknowledging the dedication of our collaborators and continuous support from our customers resulting in recognition as one of the main and most modern port logistic company’s in the country.

Com ampla atuação no setor de logística portuária e retro portuária, nos destacamos nos serviços de movimentação e armazenagem de granéis sólidos e líquidos, de importação e exportação, produtos siderúrgicos, celulose, cargas gerais conteinerizadas e big bags, bem como cargas de projeto, seja através de nossas unidades de negócios ou empresas investidas em que detemos participações societárias (Cattalini, FullPort e COPI).

Additional services are offered with a focus on integrated logistical solutions such as cargo operations management and customs brokerage. Our team is highly specialized and attend to each operation with solid values and compliance by conducting each operation in a tailor made manner taking into account the requirements and standards of our principals.

Among our main activities We would like to highlight as follows:

» Import export port operation services for liquid and solid bulk cargo, project cargo, cellulose and general cargo;

» Warehousing and cargo handling of solid bulk export cargos (soybeans, maize, meal) and solid bulk import cargos (barley, malt, fertilizers, salt, wheat) attending customs bonded warehouses as authorized by the Brazilian health regulatory agency (Anvisa) (medicines, cosmetics, provisions) in addition to general cargo warehouses;

» Port operation and tankage for liquid bulk cargos (vegetable oils, chemicals and petroleum products;

» Stuffing and storage of solid bulk in big bags;

» Customs brokerage of import and export cargos;

» Cargo handling;

» Planejamento de Operações Logísticas Integradas.

We are present at main world renowned ports such as Paranaguá – PR, São Francisco do Sul – SC, Rio Grande – RG and Itaqui – MA, offering first class services in line with high operation standards focusing on production, efficiency, health and safety practices.

Throughout this website you will be able to know us better. Welcome to Rocha!

Our Mission:

To exceed our customers expectations by offering the best logistic solutions through constant investment in people and process development.

Our Vision:

To be a national reference brand and leader in integrated port logistic solutions, resulting in added value for our customers, employees and shareholders.

Our Values:

• Ethics;
• Commitment to the needs of our customers and employees;
• Creativity and simplicity;
• Quality in the execution of our services;
• Respect and environment conservation;
• Teamwork;
• Transparency and effective communication

Política do Sistema de Gestão Integrado SGI

A ROCHA tem como compromisso prestar serviços de logística, armazenamento e operações portuárias para graneis sólidos e produtos industrializados, que atendam às demandas dos clientes de forma sustentável, seguindo as seguintes diretrizes:

• Prover condições de trabalho seguras e saudáveis, garantindo a integridade dos envolvidos na operação através da mitigação dos perigos e redução dos riscos;

• Atender a legislação e os requisitos aplicáveis das partes interessadas, melhorando continuamente o sistema de gestão integrado;

• Proteger o meio ambiente, prevenindo a poluição através da eliminação e redução dos impactos ambientais;

• Promover a consulta e participação dos trabalhadores no sistema de gestão integrado;

• Propiciar, dentro dos princípios elencados, um retorno justo e seguro ao capital investido dos acionistas.


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nossa história!

Come and join the winning team of ROCHA.
Click here and know our history!

Come and join the winning team of ROCHA.
Click here and know our history!

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