COPI – Companhia Operadora Portuária do Itaqui
From North to South, ROCHA expands throughout Brazil.
ROCHA's area of activity is not restricted to the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo. On the contrary, the company is continually pursuing new investment opportunities that enhance its services and meet the expectations of its customers. Therefore, in 2015, ROCHA expanded its presence in the Port of Itaqui, State of Maranhão, with the acquisition of sharehold interest in the port operator COPI - Companhia Operadora Portuária do Itaqui. This is yet another port where ROCHA attends as port operator to fertilizer cargos being discharged and other bulk import cargos. With the purpose of adding value to its customers, ROCHA has been consolidating its strategy of growth, differentiation and diversification from the North to the South of the country.
ROCHA owns 60% of Vanzin Port Operations S.A., which has a 50% equity interest in COPI.
To learn more about COPI, visit the company's website. Click HERE.

Click here e conheça também a ROCHA Unidade.
Click here e conheça também a ROCHA Unidade RS.
Click here e conheça também a ROCHA Unidade RS.